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FocalPoint Desktop

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Quick Access Links


From left to right:

Log Off - Brings you back to the Login

Time Clock - Brings you to the Time Clock function

Call Note - Opens up the Call Note Entry *Only available with our CRM Module



Quick Access Dashboards


Provides quick access to dashboards the user has access too, if they don not have access it will not be shown

From left to right:

Front Counter Dashboard

CRM Dashboard *Only available with our CRM Module


Online Help


Brings you here


System Menu


Opens the System Menu



Health - Shows the systems general health information

Favorites - Allows you to manage your menu favorites

User Settings - Allows you to change settings to your logged in user

Log Off - Logs off of FocalPoint and brings you to the Login

Time Clock - Brings up the user Time Clock function

Terminal - Brings up the Terminal File for the current logged in Terminal

Send Logs - Sends logs to support for review, do not use this function as a way to have support contact you

About - Provides general information of the application and how to contact support


Main Menu

From top down:

Search - Allows you to search the menu

Favorites - Includes all menus that you have added to your favorites by right-clicking on the menu and selecting Add To Favorites

Front Counter - The front counter menu is the gateway to most of your front counter functionality. From here, you can further advance to the orders menu for access to a wide range of transaction capabilities.

Service Department - The Work Order counter is where you create, edit, and finish Work Orders for your own items or for customers. You can bill the customer, warranty customer or internally.

Customer Center - Within the Customer Center menu are most of your customer related functions and accounts receivable functions

Inventory - The inventory menu is the gateway to your rental file, merchandise file, kits, posting codes and many of the message files you can use to attach screen or contract messages to rental and merchandise items.

Reports - All FocalPoint reports are located in one spot. The reports lists are broken into subsections, but you can also see "all reports", search for report names and add reports to your "favorites" list.

Back Office

Control Center



Status Bar

From left to right

Message Of The Day - Flashes when there are new messages, if clicked it displays all existing messages that have not be acknowledged and shows the count of current messages

User - Current logged in User

Terminal - Current logged in Terminal

Store - Current logged in Store

Server - Current Server connected to

Database - Current Database

Version - Current Version of Desktop, last 5 digits are the Hot-Patch number


Jibber Jabber


Opens Jibber Jabber