The edit existing list screen serves three primary purposes (and several other tertiary purposes):
•From here, you can search for and access any open quote, reservation or order. Once you are inside an open transaction, you can make changes to it, convert it from a quote to a reservation, or a reservation to an order, take payments, and so on.
•From here, you can reprint any open or closed/voided quotes, reservations an orders.
•When you right click on an order on the list screen, you can perform many other tasks, all of which are described below.
Video References - We encourage you to watch these videos for training purposes
•Edit Existing - FocalPoint Desktop
Lookup •View By - Clicking on this switch will toggle between the traditional open transaction list screen and an open list of purchase orders that are associated with orders. If you switch to the Purchase Order list, you can access the purchase order directly from this screen, just as you could access it from the PO function •Store - Choose the store you wish to display orders for. The store you are logged in to will be the default. •Cycle - If you wish to see all of the cycle billings for an order, enter the order hear, then click on the search button or press enter.
Open Filter •Current Orders - Display current (non late) orders •All Orders - Display current all orders •Late Orders - Display late orders •Open Orders - An order, or a contract, is an active, open rental agreement •Reservations - A reservation is an order with a future starting date, similar to a reservation for a rental car or a seat on a plane. •Quotes - A quote is a non-binding document that has no effect on availability, but can be later converted to a reservation or an order when the customer wishes to do so. •Partial Returns - Will filter all orders that have some items already returned on them. •With Pickups - Will filter out orders that have pickup tickets opened for them. •No Show - Reservations without payments that where not converted to an Order and the system reverted them back to a Quote, these are kept separate then a normal quote
Reprint You can use the reprint section to search for any open or closed/voided orders, either by order number or customer name. If you enter an order number and there are multiple cycle bills for the order, they will all appear. •Number - Enter the order number and click on the search button or press enter. The order number (if valid) and any cycle billings for that order will show in the list below. •Customer - Search for the customer to show all orders related to the customer. Once you select a customer, you can use the "Reprint Filters" to the left of the Reprint section to filter out open, voided, finished, sales only, reservations and quotes. •Global Search - Searches for the name, phone or loyalty in any Customers, Contacts or Authorized users.
Miscellaneous •Call Backs - If you click on the "Call Backs" button, a list of all front counter callbacks will open. You can maintain callbacks from this screen. •Open Drawer - If you click on this button, and you have a cash drawer integrated with FocalPoint, it will open (so stand aside!). •Close - This button will close the screen.
Grid View
Once you search for items and populate the list with either open orders, reservations, quotes, clicking on the "+" sign next to it expands the details lines on the order
Depending on the order status, you can double click on an order to access it. You can also right click to do the following:
•Open Orders
oView Images
oView Documents
oChange Store
oRevision Lookup
oPayment History
oRequest E-Signature *Optional Module
oE-Signature History *Optional Module
oReceipt Print
oReceipt Preview
oPicking Ticket Print
oPicking Ticket Preview
oPick Counts
oView Images
oView Documents
oChange Store
oRevision Lookup
oPayment History
oRequest E-Signature *Optional Module
oE-Signature History *Optional Module
oReceipt Print
oReceipt Preview
oPicking Ticket Print
oPicking Ticket Preview
oView Images
oView Documents
oChange Store
oRevision Lookup
oPayment History
oRequest E-Signature *Optional Module
oE-Signature History *Optional Module
oReceipt Print
oReceipt Preview
•Finished Orders
oView Images
oView Documents
oCredit Wizard
oChange Header/Customer
oRevision Lookup
oPayment History
oCredit History
oE-Signature History *Optional Module
oReceipt Print
oReceipt Preview
oPicking Ticket Print
oPicking Ticket Preview
•Detail Item
oCreate Work Order - Implying that the item is on rent and needs "field service repairs" performed.
oImport Images