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FocalPoint Online Help



Video References - We encourage you to watch these videos for training purposes

Order Creation/Item Lookup - FocalPoint Desktop

Front Counter - FocalPoint Webinar

Front Counter & Kit with-in Kit - FocalPoint Webinar


There are 3 main sections to the order creation screen.


Across the top of the screen, you are able to toggle between the Customers tab and the Item Lookup tab. The options across the top banner of the screen will vary depending on what tab you are on.

The main body of the screen is where you will select customers or rental/merchandise items.

The bottom section of the screen is static, and will always show the items you have already selected.


Before you can proceed to an order, you need to select a customer. Once you have selected a customer and (optionally) rental or merchandise items, click on the "Order", "Reservation", "Quote" or "Cash Sale" buttons at the top of the customer screen.