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Audit Merchandise

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Auditing Merchandise Inventory can be done either using the UPC on the item or a special Bin label by ID printed from FocalPoint, its not suggested to mix merchandise between assigning bins and not assigning bins. When you audit a merchandise item that does not have a bin assigned you will need to make sure all those items are in one place when you enter your count as you will not be able to recount or edit your count. For this reason using Bins is highly recommended as unique bin labels can be printed from FocalPoint using the Bin internal ID as the barcode, this way you can have an item in multiple places in your store and track quantities at each spot. Bin Labels get placed on the shelf under where the items are kept. Having this in place will stream line your audit process and lessen the time spent overall.


Before using the collector for Auditing your merchandise you need to load the Audit Lookup file from FocalPoint. Using FocalPoint Desktop go into the Inventory | Merchandise and click on Global Changes | Inventory Audit and it will bring you to the Merchandise Audit Screen.




From here click on Collector and it will bring up the Collector Connection Screen


Loading the Lookup File




Select if you want to Load all Active and Trackable Merchandise Inventory or just those based by group



Choose Send Lookup and follow the instructions




After it confirms connection you will be prompted with more instructions




If you want to load another device select next




After you are completed loading all your devices you will be prompted with a finial message




Please make sure the date and time that is displaying on the collectors main menu is the same as your workstation, if this is incorrect it could result in incorrect auditing



Batch Inventory Audit

On the Collector from the Collector Menu go into Audit Merchandise and it will show the following



#: - Barcode number you scanned

Bin: - Bin Description

UPC: UPC Number of the item

Description of item

Continuation of Description

Price / Quantity

Count: Counted Quantity of Audit

Device: Serial number of the device (for tracking purposes)  


After scanning the barcode these fields will get populated if the item was found, you will then be prompted for the counted value. After entering the number click enter on the device and scan the next barcode, repeat the process until everything is counted.


If you try to scan the same item again it will not allow you and display a message, if a different device counts the same item when the finial counts are uploaded the system will use the counts from the last device to enter counts.


If a scan is not found and you are scanning labels with UPC numbers confirm the merchandise item is Active, set to track inventory and the UPC number is set as the current UPC.



Receiving Audit Counts

From the Collector Connection Screen select Receive Mode and follow the instructions




After you are completed receiving all the data from all your devices select abort and exit out of the Collector Connection Screen



hmtoggle_arrow0Completing Audit

Here you will see audit records entered by either FocalPoint Handheld or Collection Editions




Date - Date and Time of the count

User ID - The user that counted from the Handheld or the user that uploaded the data from the Collector

Device - What device counted it

Current Quantity - Quantity count at the time it was counted

Counted Quantity - the actual count of the items

MFG/Part - Manufacturer and Part Number of the item

UPC - UPC Code of the item

SKU - SKU number of the item

Bin Location - the Bin Description of the count


You will be able to review what was counted, adjust any counts as need and select which records you want to submit, doing so will adjust the inventory and create inventory records on items you track.


* Lines in red are a reduced count and lines in blue are an increased count.