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There are several batch functions in FocalPoint that allow you to print, email or convert certain types of transactions to save time. The "Batch Type" field controls which batch function you are executing.



Choose a customer name and date range, then click "Generate". A list of invoices will appear. Use the selection criteria to narrow down the selections. Click on preview to print or email. If you do this for multiple customers, invoices for each customer will combine on to the same PDF so that the customer does not receive multiple emails.


Annual Events

Choose a customer name and date range, then click "Generate". A list of invoices that were flagged as annual events within the date range will appear. Use the selection criteria to narrow down the selections. Click on preview to print or email. If you do this for multiple customers, invoices for each customer will combine on to the same PDF so that the customer does not receive multiple emails.


Batch Void

Use this function to void any expired quotes or reservations. Choose a customer or all customers, then a "Prior To" date. Click on Generate. Select from the list, then preview to view them, or process to void them.



Use this function to Batch E-Mail/Print Notices to Customers that have rented or purchased a certain Item within the Date Range. Choose a customer and a date range, then click Generate. A list will appear. You can batch by item, rate table or merchandise.



Use this function to Batch Print Copies Of Orders, Reservations Or Both - based on the Delivery Date, Pick Up date Or Customer Pick Up date. Choose a customer and a date range, then click Generate. A list will appear. Use the batch options to alter by order type, date type or picking tickets.



Use this Function to Batch E-Mail/Print Reservations. Choose a customer and a date range, then click Generate. A list will appear. Use the batch options to search by delivery date instead of start date, and batch convert all of the reservations to orders.