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Credit Card Integration

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Make your path to PCI, PA-DSS compliancy achievable and maintainable with FocalPoint’s integrated credit card processing .  Visum offers two credit card gateway options to help you choose the solution that best fits your needs.


With any of Visum's credit card gateway solution, PCI, PA-DSS compliancy at your company will still be necessary, but because no credit card electronic data will be stored at your location, the path to your PCI, PA-DSS compliancy should be much less complicated.


One of the biggest advantages to FocalPoint integrated credit card processing is the ability to store tokens. Similar to storing credit cards, you can use tokens to charge a customers credit card without the card being present. This functionality can be very helpful for times when your customer asks you to "use the same card they used last time", or when you need to bill the customer additional charges for fuel, damages, etc.


This is an optional module, contact a Visum Sales Representative for more information.


With any of these options, you must establish a relationship with the gateway by contacting them directly, to discuss their rates and fees.


The following options for processing credit card transactions directly from FocalPoint are as follows:


Clover Connect

If you choose to work with Clover Connect, Clover Connect would be serving as both the credit card processor and the gateway.


You will not be limited to the number of terminals that can process credit cards. Credit card devices must be obtained directly from Clover Connect.


If you would like to discuss this option directly with Clover Connect use one of the following contact methods,

Support: (877) 948-9733 option 1


Non Integrated Solutions

You may always choose a non-integrated solution with whichever credit card processor you choose to use. Typical examples of “Non Integrated Solutions” include stand-alone credit card machines and possibly some other online services that you are using by choice, and are not integrated with FocalPoint.