6-2 from the main menu


Customers can be added at the time of rental by using an ID Scanner or manually entering customer information. You can also enter customers by directly accessing the customer file, which will be discussed in this topic.  FocalPoint provides a "Cash Customer" record as customer #1. This is the customer that the system uses for "sales only" transactions where the actual customer name is not necessary. The decision as to which customer is THE cash customer is set in the Store Manager File, Setup Tab.  



You may not create RENTAL transactions for the designated cash customer. This is the customer record that is automatically selected during a a Sales Only order when "Use Cash Customer" is selected upon starting that sale.  This customer is also the only customer that is used for "Quick Sales" and "Quick Credits".





When you first go the the customer file, you will be presented with a list screen. The list screen will show you the customer's number and name, phone number, the customer's balance, first and last name, designation, old account number, and type in the customer record.  Please note that the customers balance may not be current if there has been recent activity with the customer.  These balances are reset overnight.


You may double click on a record to open it, or right click->open to open a record. You may also copy a record by right clicking on it.


Different areas of this list screen are:



You can choose to display all customers or only those that "belong to" a certain store.



In the upper left corner, you may choose to see "active", "de-activated" or "all" records. If you choose "All", the far-right "Active" column in the list will be visible, otherwise this "Active" column will not be visible.


Add Customer

Click on this button to add a new customer


Quick Add

Use this function to add a customer, but only fill in the most important fields.

Click here to see customer quick add screen.


Wild card search function

The field to the left of the Find and Clear buttons will search for any string of characters in any of the columns on the screen. It is an interactive search, meaning the results will be displayed as you type.


Column Search Fields

The blank field on top of each column can be used to search for results within the appropriate column. This search function looks for matches based on the start of the string of characters. For example, if you were searching for the word "smith", typing "smi" would help you find results, but "ith" would not


Column headings functions

If you left click on a heading, the records in the column will sort ascending or descending (alternating with each left click)

If you right click on a column, you will be presented with options to:

oSort Ascending

oSort Descending

oClear Sorting

oGroup By This Column

oShow Group By Box

oRemove This Column

oChoose Which Columns to Display

oBest Fit THIS Column

oBest Fit ALL Columns

oFilter Results in this Field using 13 methods (Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, etc.)

oHide the Auto Filter Row

If you "hover" over the column heading, a tiny filter will show in the upper right corner of the column name, where you can then filter the column based on real time results of the column



Click on this button to export the current list of customers on the list screen to a screen that can generate an Excel spreadsheet.



Click on this button to print a list of customers that resembles the current list screen. You will be prompted for a printer before the list prints.


Print Preview 

Click on this button to preview a list of customers that resembles the current list screen. From the preview screen you can print the list, email it, or create a PDF.



Individual Customer Records

Once you see the customer on the list screen that you are searching for, double click on the customer to enter the customer record.  If you are adding a new customer, click on the "Add New Customer" button, and you will be directed to a blank customer record.  Across the top of the customer you open (or the blank customer record if you are adding a new customer), you will always see:





Click to save a new customer or save changes to an existing customer


Save & New

Click to save a new customer or save changes to an existing customer, then begin again


Print Address Label

Print an address label on an Avery 5160 label using the actual address


Print Billing Label

Print an address label on an Avery 5160 label using the actual address



You can delete a customer with no activity



Cancel your new customer addition or changes you made to an existing customer



This is an auto assigned system number that cannot be modified.


Company Name

If the customer is a company, enter the company name here.  Otherwise, TAB to the First, MI, Last Name fields.  Once the First, MI and Last Name are entered, The Company Name will default to the First, MI, and Last Name.  The defaulted text can always be changed to adhere to your processes or procedures.



Use this field to store a contact name for this customer


First Name, MI, and Last Name

Enter the First, Middle Initial (optional), and Last Name of the customer.


Try this:

For a customer that is not a "company", leave the company name blank.  Enter the first name, middle name (optional) and last name, pressing TAB after each entry.  Once you TAB out of the last name field, the company name will be filled in with the customers first and last name (or last name, first name, depending on how you set the field named "Store Customer by Last Name, First Name" field in the store manager file.


Credit Limit

A credit limit set for a customer (other than ZERO) will prompt a message to come up during transactions if the customer's balance has exceeded the customer's credit limit.


Balance Due

The current balance of the customer



There are several "tabs" within in the Customer File.  The tabs are listed below.  Expand any section to learn more about the fields in the related tab.


hmtoggle_arrow1General Information


hmtoggle_arrow1Detailed Information


hmtoggle_arrow1Driver's License



hmtoggle_arrow1Ship To's


hmtoggle_arrow1Additional Users Screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Invoices Payments Screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Order History


hmtoggle_arrow1Open Orders Screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Credit History Screen



hmtoggle_arrow1Payment History Screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Revenue History



hmtoggle_arrow1Bad Check Screen



hmtoggle_arrow1Messages Screen


hmtoggle_arrow1Documents Screen



hmtoggle_arrow1Call Notes Screen


