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This is the main login for FocalPoint Desktop




Username: The username that was configured for you by your FocalPoint Admin, you can also pick from a list of active users which can be hidden by a Store Manager option

Password: Your password for the selected Username, by default this is focalpoint when first setup

Store: The store you are logging in too, this defaults to the selected users Home Store set in the User File

Auto-Detect Terminal: Having this checked will auto find your terminal based on the computer name you are logging in from, this can be set in the Terminal File



Logs the user in with the entered Username, Password and Store


Time Clock

This allows you to Clock in and out with out the need of fulling logging into Desktop taking up a user license using the Time Clock function



Exits FocalPoint Desktop and closes the application


Finger Print recognition

Desktop-Login_Fingerprint This displays when a compatible Finger Print scanner is attached to the workstation, users finger prints can be enrolled in the User File