E-2 from the Main Menu
A entire file exists in FocalPoint to store customer item information for work orders. This file may be accessed by clicking on the Customer Items button in the upper right "Miscellaneous" section of the work order counter screen.
When you sell a serialized merchandise item or a rental item to a customer, this item is automatically added to the customer items file so that you can help your customers service their purchased items later. Otherwise, you can add a customer owned item. You may also add customer owned items from the customer items list, or from within a work order (more on adding customer items from within a work order can be found in the Inside a Work Order section)
Preventative Maintenance may also be used for customer owned items just as easily as they can be used for your own rental items.
The customer item list screen shows all customer owned items in your database, as show below.
•Across the top of this screen, you will be able to:
•Filter your results by "Active", "Inactive", or "All"
•Manually add a new customer owned item to this file.
•Export this list to an XLSX, CSV or TXT format.
•Print or Preview this list.
•Close this screen.
As with other list screens previously discussed, you can search for any information using the blank search fields below each column heading.
If you right click on a customer owned item, you can:
•Open the record (you can also double click on the item to open it).
•Merge the item with another item (just in case you erroneously added it more than once).
•Preview an equipment sheet of the item.
•Preview work order history on this item.
Customer items may added or edited from this customer item list or from within the work order Item Information tab within the work order. Access from either location provides the same screen.
The equipment tab for a customer item, shown below, allows you to add or edit equipment related information about the item. A description of the item is necessary, all other fields are optional, but the general recommendation is to fill out this form as completely as possible.
The Work Orders tab shows open, closed and voided work orders for this item. You may right click on any work order to preview or print it. You may also see PM history, inspection history and any credits that were given against any work orders for this item. The "By Serial Numbeb" check box will show work order history for this item's serial number regardless of who currently owns the item.
The Repair Setup TAB allows you to add repair codes to customer’s items. You must set up the repair codes first via the Preventative Maintenance function.
To assign a repair code to a customer owned item, simply double click on any repair code from the "All Repair Codes" list, then fill in the Preventative Maintenance Detail. Complete setup information for Preventative Maintenance can be found the the Preventative Maintenance help section.
The history tab will show a graphical representation of the repair efforts for this item.
In the documents tab, you can attach many different types of documents. If there is a scanner attached to your PC, you can scan right from FocalPoint and attach the scanned document directly to the order. When you Attach or Scan a document from your PC, FocalPoint will copy the document to the server so that all FocalPoint workstations can access the document after it has been added. You may also double click on the attached document to view it
On the images tab, you can import images from any digital camera that can be plugged into your PC and import images into the work order.
As with many files in FocalPoint, a "notes" tab is often included for any internal notes you wish to make for a customer owned item.