Before setting up and synchronizing your data with the Portal for the first time and are using the E-Catalog option we recommend you make sure your Groups and Rate Tables are cleaned up for public viewing as that is what drives the E-Catalog. All your Groups and Rate Tables should have a well defined description along with a Image as these will now be publicly viewable.



After you get the Portal you will receive a Registration Code from the Support Team. Using that code go to




Account Number: Enter a 0

Registration Code: The code you received from support

User Name: Enter a user name you will remember, this will be you site admin account

E-mail: The E-mail address you will associate with the admin account in case you forget your password

Password: The password for the admin account, don't forget this as it will be needed to make changes to sites and to complete setup.

Confirm Password: The same password as entered above

Security Question: You own defined question to reset your password in case you forget

Security Answer: The answer to the question above


When finished click Create User and then we will continue to FocalPoint to the Store Manager


hmtoggle_arrow1        Store Manager - System > Portal Section



After this is completed go back to the Portal and login as the admin you just created