FocalPoint – PartSmart Integration

Under utilities, enter the field for business system. This is what controls the proper communication between FocalPoint and PartSmart. On most systems the proper path will be:


“C:\Program Files (x86)\Visum\FocalPoint\FocalPtPS.exe”




In order for the interface to work, FocalPoint needs to be running and logged in.


If you try to look up parts without FocalPoint running or at the login prompt, you will get an error within PartSmart warning you that FocalPoint is not running. You can still use PartSmart after you acknowledge the warning.


FocalPoint configuration:

in the FocalPoint manager there is a license setting for part smart

in the terminal file there is a path on the general tab pointing to the part smart executable”

C:\Program Files (x86)\ARI\PartSmart\PS8\Ari.PartSmart.UI.exe

the part smart catalog needs to be cross referenced in our manufacturer file. To set this up double-click on the manufacturer record and use the drop-down for the part smart manufacturer cross reference. These manufacturers are hard coded.


When you click on the colorization button in PartSmart (upper left corner of PartSmart screen), items in the diagram will have one of three different colored rectangles around them. Green means it is in stock. Yellow means it’s hit the reorder point. Red means that it is not a stocked item.



Items need to be (and will be) added to the non-stock file when you double click on an item to see details or add the item to a pick list.


Part smart is interfaced in four different places. In all areas, two tabs or buttons in all areas; one to open PartSmart and one to see pick lists.


Quick sale.

Regular merchandise sale.

Work order parts.

Purchase orders.


In all four areas, while in PartSmart, you will need to understand how to add items to a PartSmart “Pick List” and “Submit” the pick list. To add an item to a Pick List, right click on the item and select “Add to Picklist”. Once you have added items to a Picklist, use the “Submit” button to submit these items and invoke the PartSmart functionality in FocalPoint.



Work Orders

The buttons to open PartSmart and one to see pick lists are in the lower left corner of the parts screen:




If you click on “Open Pick List”, you will see a list of pick lists that were transferred from part smart to FocalPoint.


If you click on “Open PartSmart” you will be taken to the PartSmart screen.


While you are in PartSmart, and you are adding items to a PickList, you can click on the “Submit” button in the lower right hand corner of the PartSmart screen. You will then be prompted to add some or all of the parts from the pick list to the work order. If the item is a NonStock item, you will be prompted to transfer it to the Merchandise file. If the item is already a merchandise item, and you do not have enough on hand to satisfy the need of the work order, you will be given the opportunity to add the item to a purchase order. After all of these choices are made, any items you chose to add to the work order will be on the work order by the time you get back to the FocalPoint screen.


Sales Orders (1-2-6 from the Main Menu)

The buttons to open PartSmart and see pick lists are in the upper right corner of the Add Merchandise Detail Screen:





If you click on “Open Pick List”, you will see a list of pick lists that were transferred from part smart to FocalPoint.


If you click on “Open PartSmart” you will be taken to the PartSmart screen.


While you are in PartSmart, and you are adding items to a PickList, you can click on the “Submit” button in the lower right hand corner of the PartSmart screen. You will then be prompted to add some or all of the parts from the pick list to the sales order. If the item is a NonStock item, you will be prompted to transfer it to the Merchandise file. If the item is already a merchandise item, and you do not have enough on hand to satisfy the need of the sales order, you will be given the opportunity to add the item to a purchase order. After all of these choices are made, any items you chose to add to the sales order will be on the sales order by the time you get back to the FocalPoint screen.




The buttons to open PartSmart and see pick lists are in the upper left corner of the Quick Sale screen:




If you click on “Open Pick List”, you will see a list of pick lists that were transferred from part smart to FocalPoint.


If you click on “Open PartSmart” you will be taken to the PartSmart screen.


While you are in PartSmart, and you are adding items to a PickList, you can click on the “Submit” button in the lower right hand corner of the PartSmart screen. You will then be prompted to add some or all of the parts from the pick list to the Quick Sale. If the item is a NonStock item, you will be prompted to transfer it to the Merchandise file. If the item is already a merchandise item, and you do not have enough on hand to satisfy the need of the Quick Sale, you will be given the opportunity to add the item to a purchase order. After all of these choices are made, any items you chose to add to the Quick Sale will be on the Quick Sale by the time you get back to the FocalPoint screen.



Purchase Order

The buttons to open PartSmart and see pick lists are in the upper right corner of the Purchase Order Detail Add - Merchandise screen:




If you click on “Open Pick List”, you will see a list of pick lists that were transferred from part smart to FocalPoint.


If you click on “Open PartSmart” you will be taken to the PartSmart screen.


While you are in PartSmart, and you are adding items to a PickList, you can click on the “Submit” button in the lower right hand corner of the PartSmart screen. You will then be prompted to add some or all of the parts from the pick list to the Purchase Order. If the item is a NonStock item, you will be prompted to transfer it to the Merchandise file. After all of these choices are made, any items you chose to add to the Purchase Order will be on the Purchase Order by the time you get back to the FocalPoint screen.