The Non Stock File is located at 2-5 from the Main Menu.


The non stock file is typically used to store mass amounts of merchandise information from vendors. For example, if a manufacturer that you stock parts for sends you a CD of their parts catalog, you could transfer that information to your FocalPoint Non Stock File. After doing so, while searching for inventory,  you could search through the manufacturer's catalog within FocalPoint for items you do not stock but certainly could order for your customer.


By utilizing the non stock file, you also keep items that you do not stock "out of your way". In the above example, if you simply entered all items from a manufacturer's parts CD directly in to your Merchandise File, searching for merchandise that you normally stock would be hindered by many, many items that you do NOT stock.


You may import non-stock files into FocalPoint using the import feature (D-3 from the main menu, click on the "Non Stock" button).


To use this function, the file from your manufacturer can be delimited using any character (usually a comma, tab, pipe sign, etc).  "Delimiters" are characters used to separate fields.  For example, each row of the file sent to you may look like this:


Rope Stretcher|6.99|2.99


The "delimiter" in this example is the "Pipe Sign" (|), and it is separating 3 fields, description, list price, and cost.


Whatever delimiter is used must also have the same delimiter at the end of each record.  As most manufacturers  will not put a delimiter at the end of each record, you may have to massage the manufacturer's file (using Excel or some other spreadsheet product) and place a delimiter at the end of the file.  In order to use the import function in FocalPoint, the above example would need to look like this:


Rope Stretcher|6.99|2.99|


(note the delimiter at the end of this record)


The file to be imported should be saved in a CSV or XLS file prior to importing. The fields available for importing are as follows.  The file you receive from your manufacturer may have more fields in it.  These fields can remain in the file, as the FocalPoint import utility will be able to ignore these fields:


Part #

Retail Price


UPC Code



To use the import function, select a manufacturer already set up in FocalPoint.  If the manufacturer you wish to use is not in FocalPoint, you should add Manufacturer records  to the Manufacturer file (2-8 from the main menu) prior to importing.  


Press TAB when you have selected the Manufacturer.


You will then be given the opportunity to select the manufacturer's file. Navigate to, and double click on the file you wish to import.


Next, enter the delimiter that the manufacturer used to separate the fields in each record.  Press TAB.

The first 5 lines of the manufacturer's file will be displayed to assist you in determining which fields in the file should be directed to the proper fields in FocalPoint.


If the manufacturer's file has headings, check the box labeled "Check Box If First Line Is Header Description Line (Should NOT Be Imported)".


The Part #, Retail $, UPC, Description and Cost $ fields should be filled in with numbers representing the order in which the data is presented in each row.  For example, if the part number is the second field in each row of the import data, you would put a '2' in the Part # field.


Choose a posting code that should be used for these import items should they need to be transferred to the Merchandise file for sale.


Click on Display Import Lines.  The 5 lines will be displayed to allow you to review HOW they will be imported.


If you are satisfied with how they will be imported, click on the Convert File button.  If you wish to start over, click on the Restart button.  The Abort Convert-Exit button will exit you from this screen.