1-2 from the main menu
Please watch this video on Order Creation and Item Lookup
There are also two recorded webinars on front counter operation:
Front Counter - FocalPoint Webinar
Front Counter & Kit with-in Kit - FocalPoint Webinar
We encourage you to watch these videos for training purposes.
There are 3 main sections to the new order creation screen.
•Across the top of the screen, you are able to toggle between the Customers tab and the Item Lookup tab. The options across the top banner of the screen will vary depending on what tab you are on.
•The main body of the screen is where you will select customers or rental/merchandise items.
•The bottom section of the screen is static, and will always show the items you have already selected.
Before you can proceed to an order, you need to select a customer. Once you have selected a customer and (optionally) rental or merchandise items, click on the "Order", "Reservation", "Quote" or "Cash Sale" buttons at the top of the customer screen.
Before you can proceed to an order, you need to select a customer. Once you have selected a customer and (optionally) rental or merchandise items, click on the "Order", "Reservation", "Quote" or "Cash Sale" buttons at the top of the customer screen.
The banner across the top of the order creation screen will vary depending on whether you are on the Customers tab or the Item Lookup tab Current store This field will show the store that you are currently logged in to. If the user is set up as a "floater" in the user file, then you can choose the store that you are creating the order for.
New Customer Section
Quick Add Click this button to add a new customer with selected fields
Scan ID Click this button to invoke the driver's license scanning process
Order Creation SectionClick any of these icons to start your order. You must select a customer before starting an order. Selecting items before starting an order is optional, as you can always add items to the order after you have started it.
Miscellaneous SectionOpen Drawer Click this button to open a cash drawer that is set up to work with FocalPoint.
Web Quotes Click on this button to import a quote that was generated from FocalPoint's eQuote functionality in the customer portal.
Close Click this button to close the screen |
In the body of the customer's tab, you can search for customers by entering search criteria in any of the blank fields at the top of each column (highlighted in yellow in the image below for illustration purposes only). To select a customer, simply check the little blue box next to the appropriate customer.
You may also right click on a customer to edit the record, for times when a customer has an address or phone number change an you need to update your records.
Searching hints: •If you start typing in numbers or letters in any of the search fields, FocalPoint will return results for any matches that BEGIN WITH the characters you entered. •If you precede your search characters with a %, FocalPoint will return results for any matches that CONTAIN the characters you entered. •Preceding your search characters with an asterisk (*) works the same as preceding your search characters with a percentage sign.
Column headings functions •If you left click on a heading, the records in the column will sort ascending or descending (alternating with each left click) •If you right click on a column, you will be presented with options to: oSort Ascending oSort Descending oClear Sorting oGroup By This Column oShow Group By Box oRemove This Column oChoose Which Columns to Display oBest Fit THIS Column oBest Fit ALL Columns oFilter Results in this Field using 13 methods (Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, etc.) oShow the Find Panel for more robust wildcard searches oHide the Auto Filter Row •If you "hover" over the column heading, a tiny filter will show in the upper right corner of the column name, where you can then filter the column based on real time results of the column
The Item Lookup tab allows you to select items before the order is started. In the body of this screen, the results displayed will vary, depending on whether you were searching for Rentals, Merchandise, Non Stock, Rate Table, Kits, or Rental Saleable Items. Information for each type is shown below.
As you double click on items, they will be added to the lower section of the screen. You can use the Clear Items button to clear all selected items, Walk Out Price to see the walk out price of all selected items, or click on the Transfer Items button to initiate a transfer of all selected items to a different store.
The banner across the top of the order creation screen will vary depending on whether you are on the Customers tab or the Item Lookup tab
Search For sectionIn the SEARCH FOR area, you can search for Rental, Merchandise, NonStock, Rate Table, Kits or Rental-Saleable. Rental-Saleable Items are Items that you can put in the rental file but flag them "for sale only". The results displayed in the body of the Item Lookup screen will vary depending on what you are searching for.
Search InThe items in the "Search in" area will change depending on what you are searching for as determined in this section to the left.
For example, if you are going to search for rental items or rental-salable items, you can search by description, part number, equipment ID, barcode, serial number, rental rate, group or item number. If you search for merchandise or nonstock items, you can search by description, UPC, part number, manufacturer, SKU, retail price, or extended price
Search TypeA quote is a non-binding document that has no effect on availability, but can be later converted to a reservation or an order when the customer wishes to do so.
A reservation is an order with a future starting date, similar to a reservation for a rental car or a seat on a plane.
An order, or a contract, is an active, open rental agreement.
You can set a flag in the store manager file to make the type automatically switch from an order to a reservation if your date/time out is set in the future.
Create The button available in this area will vary depending on whether or not this order is for a future starting date or for now. When you click on the button in the Create section, you will be taken inside the order.
PartSmartIf you click on “Pick List”, you will see a list of pick lists that were transferred from part smart to FocalPoint. If you click on “Open” you will be taken to the PartSmart screen.
Miscellaneous buttons (upper right)Lost Rental/Sale If you click on this button you will be given the opportunity to enter a lost rental or sale. As a reminder, the Lost Sales and Rental Report is at B-3-9 from the main menu.
All Over-Bookings Click on this button to search for any overbooked items within the dates you specify on this screen.
Print / Preview Over Bookings Click on this button to print or preview the list of overbooked items within the dates you specify on this screen.
Open Drawer Click on this button to open the drawer.
Close Click on this button to close this screen.
Length The primary purpose of the Rental Length field is to help determine the date and time due. This field is not mandatory, and rest assured, if your customer decides to keep your items for a longer or shorter period of time, FocalPoint will calculate charges based on actual time, not estimated time. Use this field to help you when you customer tells you that he or she will have the item for 1 day, 3 days, 4 hours and so on, or blank this field out if you desire.
•1 Hour - 6 Hours, 1 Day - 1 Month: FocalPoint will set the date/time due to adhere to your rental length as closely as possible, avoiding any days/times that you are closed. •Over Night: FocalPoint will set the due date to tomorrow, and the due time to the time that you have set in the overnight due time field in the first tab of the store manager file. •Saturday to Monday: FocalPoint will set the due date to the day after tomorrow, and the due time to the time that you have set in the Saturday to Monday due time field in the first tab of the store manager file. Typically this would only be used if you were creating the order for a Saturday. •Friday to Monday: FocalPoint will set the due date to two days after tomorrow, and the due time to the time that you have set in the Friday to Monday due time field in the first tab of the store manager file. Typically this would only be used if you were creating the order for a Friday. •Open to Close: FocalPoint will set the date/time due to the end of the current day. •Events - When chosen for the rental length, you are given the opportunity to set the number of days in the event. The default for these event days is in the hours tab of the store manager file, C-4 from the main menu. There are also three event rates that can be used. Rate 1 will use the daily rates for the items. Rate 2 will use the weekly rates, and Rate 3 will use the monthly rate for the event. •Special Rates 1 through 7: The due date and time is set to 24 hours from the start date and time, and the due date and time can be adjusted manually. When you create a quote, reservation or contract, you may select S2, for example, for your rental length. All items that have an active S2 rate that are added to the order will override to this rate, and no matter how long the contract is open, this rate will be charged to the customer. All items on the contract that do not have the S2 rate will use the normal rates on the "Set-Up" tab.
Out Date/Time and Due Date/TimeThe Date/Time Out and Date/Time Due fields are extremely important on this screen. As you search for items, FocalPoint will calculate whether or not items are available based on these two fields.
Important - when you search for items on this screen, the status of the items (like "available", "on rent" or "in shop") are related to the date fields. You are using this screen to search for items that are available between the out date and time and the due date and time. If you select items, you cannot change the dates until you clear the items from the Selected Items area. If this was not required, you would run the risk of overbooking.
Delivery Date/Time and Pickup Date/TimeIf you check the check-boxes for delivery or pickups, availability will be calculated based on these dates/times instead of the out date/time or due date/time. As you search for items, FocalPoint will calculate whether or not items are available based on these two fields.
SearchWith the date and time due and out fields set, you may search for items by whatever criteria you chose above. You can search by simply entering the first few characters of the description, then pressing enter or clicking on the search button. Or, if you do not know what the descriptions starts with, you can pre-empt the description with a percent sign ( % ) and search for any string of characters within the description.
Once you've entered the text you wish search for, press ENTER.
Use this button to reset all dates and times, and start the search process over. |
![]() | In the Body of the Item Lookup Screen for Rental Items |
Results for rental item searches are as follows:
Description - A description of the item Equip ID - Equipment ID from the rental file Store - The current location of the item
Quantity-Own: The quantity you own at the store specified in the store column. Quantity-Rent: The quantity on rent or reserved based on the time frame specified above. Quantity-Shop: The quantity currently in the shop. Quantity-Transit: The quantity currently being transferred from one store, but not yet received in the other store. Quantity-Avail: The available quantity based the number of items reserved or on rent within the time frame specified.
Rates-Minimum, Daily, Weekly, Monthly: The rates for the item in the rate table.
Current-OB: The checkbox will be checked if the item is currently overbooked. Current-Late: The checkbox will be checked if the item is currently late (past the due date of the current open order for the item). Curent-Rented: The checkbox will be checked if the item is currently on rent. Current-Pickup: The checkbox will be checked if the item is currently on a pickup ticket. Current-Meter: Displays the current meter reading of the item in the rental file. Last Rented: Displays the last rented date of the item, which represents the most recent OUT date of the item that is not a date in the future.
If you right click on a rental item, you can: •See additional rental information about the item •See ALL rental rates for the item from the rate table, including walk-out pricing (rates after tax and damage waiver) •See work order in-shop notes for the item •See information about any turn around times for the item •See a calendar layout for the item •See open order information for the item •See closed order information for the item •Go directly to a website or internal network folder for the item based on how the item is set up in the rental file. •View an image of the item if one is set up in the rental file •Print or preview a detail sheet about the item |
Results for Merchandise searches are as follows:
Description - A description of the item as set up in the merchandise file Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the item as set up in the merchandise file Part Number - The part number of the item as set up in the merchandise file Alternate Description - The alternate description of the item as set up in the merchandise file SKU - The SKU of the item as set up in the merchandise file Store - The current location of the item
Quantity-To Sell: The current quantity on hand of the item, including reserved items Quantity-Reserved: If you put a merchandise item on an order, the quantity is relieved from stock. If you put a merchandise item on a reservation, the quantity is NOT relieved from stock. This column represents the quantity currently on reservations.
Amount-Price: The Retail Price of the item as set up in the merchandise file Amount-MSRP:The MSRP of the item as set up in the merchandise file |
Results for Non Stock Item searches are as follows
Description - A description of the item as set up in the merchandise file Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the item as set up in the merchandise file Part Number - The part number of the item as set up in the merchandise file UPC - The UPC of the item as set up in the merchandise file SKU - The SKU of the item as set up in the merchandise file
Amount-Price: The Retail Price of the item as set up in the merchandise file Amount-MSRP:The MSRP of the item as set up in the merchandise file |
If you search for Rate Tables, you will get results based on rate table descriptions, not rental item descriptions. If you click on the plus sign next to the rate table, you will see all of the items associated with that rate table. If you double click on a rate table for a serialized item, a "generic item" related to that rate table (where you want to rent "one of these" but you do not care which one until you convert the reservation to an order.
Results for Rate Table searches are as follows
Description - A description of the item
Quantity-Own: The quantity you own at the store specified in the store column. Quantity-Rent: The quantity on rent or reserved based on the time frame specified above. Quantity-Shop: The quantity currently in the shop. Quantity-Transit: The quantity currently being transferred from one store, but not yet received in the other store. Quantity-Avail: The available quantity based the number of items reserved or on rent within the time frame specified.
Rates-Minimum, Daily, Weekly, Monthly: The rates for the item in the rate table. |
If you search for Kits, you will get results based on kit descriptions, not rental item descriptions. If you click on the plus sign next to the kit, you will see all of the items associated with that kit. If you double click on a kit, you will enter kit selection logic to allow you to choose non-required items.
Results for Kit searches are as follows
Description - A description of the item
Quantity-Potential: The number of each kit that would be available if all kit items were available and none were on rent Quantity-Avail: The number of each kit that is available for the date range based on the availability of all kit items associated with the kit.
Rates-Minimum, Daily, Weekly, Monthly: The rates for the item in the rate table. |
Rental Salable items are items in the rental file that have been flagged "for sale only".
Results for Rental-Saleable Item searches are as follows
Description - A description of the item Alternate Description - The alternate description of the item Equip ID - Equipment ID from the rental file Store - The current location of the item Qty - Quantity owned by the store. Because the item is "for sale only", this quantity is the total quantity owned by the store which should also be the quantity on hand.
Amount-Retail: The Retail Price of the item as set up in the rental file Amount-Sell: The Selling Price of the item as set up in the rental file |