1) Go to the following URL to setup an Account with IDrive choosing the appropriate type for your needs https://www.idrive.com/p=visumllc


2) On the same computer that is acting as your FocalPoint Server follow the instructions from the following to download, install and sign in to IDrive https://www.idrive.com/help/Windows/sign_in


3) This next step you have a couple of options, either you can do the simple method of selecting the FocalPoint Backup Path or an advanced method. The simple method is easy and straight forward but depending on what you are doing with FocalPoint like storing revisions, images, drivers’ licenses and such could result in large backups that could take hours to complete whereas the advanced method takes some extra configuration in FocalPoint and IDrive but results in smaller backups that include files from the File Share that have only changed.


Simple Method

1) Open FocalPoint Manager and in the Processes section on the Backups Tab find out the current path FocalPoint is backing up to, under normal installations this would be C:\FocalPt\Backups


2) Add this Path to the Backup tab in IDrive https://www.idrive.com/help/Windows/backup


Advanced Method

1) Open the FocalPoint Manager and go to the Processes section and the Backup Tab


2) In the Task Actions section right-click on the File Share Task and select Disable, this will prevent a backup of the shared files going to the   FocalPoint Backup Path as we will be backing up these files directly instead of using FocalPoint’s Backups of them which will result in just file

changes being backed up. The Database Task will remain enabled.


3) We need to find you what the File Share path is, under normal installations this would be C:\FocalPt, if you are running FocalPoint 2.55.0003 or above this should be displayed in the File Share Task area. If you need assistance confirming this path, contact the Visum Support Team and we will be happy to assist


4) Add the FocalPoint File Share Path to the Backup tab in IDrive https://www.idrive.com/help/Windows/backup


5) Finally, we need to confirm that the FocalPoint Backup Path is located with in the FocalPoint File Share Path, if it is not this path will be needed to be added to the IDrive Backup tab as well so the Database Backups are included


4) Add any additional paths you wish to backup like the location of your accounting backups or files


5) Finally define the Schedule to for backing up, make sure it starts at least an hour after the FocalPoint Backup Start time to give FocalPoint enough time to finish its backup https://www.idrive.com/help/Windows/schedule_backup